Wednesday, May 23, 2012


As of yesterday I am officially down 21 pounds from the start of my very first bootcamp.  I am now in my 2nd week of my 3rd bootcamp and loving every second of it.  I never ever thought I would say that.  I feel fantastic about myself right now!!

Heading to Mayo Clinic........

We are heading to Mayo Clinic this coming Friday May 25th.  This appointment is our 1-2 hour consultation to review all of RJ's medical history and to set up all of his testing.  At this point his Neurologist in Ames believes that he has developed Epilepsy on top of the P.O.T.S (Postural Orthostatic Techycardia Syndrome).  So we will be up there testing for Epilepsy.  We will come back Friday night and then head back up to Mayo on Monday (or Sunday night) and will be there 5-7 days for testing.

This is such a relief to us.  We need answers to what is going on with RJ and he needs to be able to get back to enjoying life and working!!  I will post more once we find out information.