1. Bootcamp this week started with a trip to McHose Park in Boone to run the skating pond hill. 2 1/2 miles later we finished our sprints. My poor calves have taken the brunt of my hardwork. Today I finally woke up and my calves weren't killing me.
2. Wednesday RJ and I took Gracie to her Pre-K open house at Sacred Heart School. She was so excited and it went very well. She jumped right in and played with the other kids. At first she kind of looked around at all of them and then turned around and started cleaning up all the toys that were lying all over the floor. She enjoyed meeting her teacher and I was pleased that I knew several of the parents.
3. RJ's schedule has changed once again. Someone at work got hurt and will be out for 10-12 weeks, so RJ will be covering for him working the 11pm-7am shift, Sunday -Thursday. This actually works out great for us with getting ready to move.
4. Lucie fell outside on Tuesday night and skinned her knee pretty bad. This has made bath time not very fun since we have to be very careful not to break her leg as she put's it. Applying and reapplying ointment and band-aids has been a constant thing this week.
5. Thank God it's Friday. Alex has basketball games all weekend and we are looking forward to just hanging out as a family watching him and packing while at home. Of course there isn't much else to do since it's May 3rd and SNOWING.............