This year has been kind of tough, ok not kind of tough-very tough.
Several aspects of our everyday lives have changed - some drastically and it has seemed at times like we wouldn't make it through it. BUT.... we have. In some ways it has helped us see the brighter things in life and what really matters and to us that is ......... FAMILY.
What does FAMILY mean to us, well it's those that choose to surround us and love us no matter what the circumstances are going on in our lives. It's family that helps you out even when they don't have a lot to give but they give it anyway. It's my Mom who watches my girls each and everyday while we are at work, it's my Dad who let's RJ borrow his lawnmower and snowblower each and everytime he needs it, it's RJ's Mom who sends home leftovers, and watches the girls on Football Friday nights, and RJ's Dad who lends him tools and a helping hand. It's our parents that live out of town that call and offer advice and let us know how proud they are of us each and everyday. It's our brothers and sisters who give us wonderful nieces and nephews, and understand when we can't make it to a game or a party =)
It's my little girl who runs to the door when we come home from work and jumps in our arms with a big kiss and says she loves us, and my baby girl who follows right behind with her big "hhiiii" and a kiss. It's our son knowing each and everyday that no matter what has happend or what will come, we love him more than ever.
It's our friends who call to see how we are doing, and leave us a post on Facebook to say "I miss you", and it's our friends who send us a card just to say "hey this made me think of you", it's our friends that make time for us in their busy lives and our friends who are so tired themselves, but stay on the phone that extra 30 minutes, or stay in town an extra couple of hours just to visit. It's our friend who gives us half a porch to store our crap and a place in his yard to store our camper.
Family is our relatives and our friends. Without all of you, we wouldn't have made it through this year. We appreciate all of your support and help and love.
To us CHRISTMAS IS FAMILY...........................
Love it. Well said.