Monday, January 10, 2011

Money, money,money, must be funny in a rich man's world.....

I tell you if it is not one thing it is another. From prescriptions to failed appliances to light switches, when it snows it'a a freaking blizzard around here.

Somewhere we have lost our way when it comes to being able to budget our money. Somehow we have dwindled down our "set aside" money. Oh wait, I know where it is:


I thought 2010 was bad when we cut back almost everything extra we had. Well 2011 is in for some more cut backs. We are at the point where there is no more to cut back now.

This is going top be one of those complaining blog posts where I am going to rant and rave so if you don't want to hear it (read it) you should leave this website for now.

You wouldn't think that paying child support would kill us, but it is. It's an additional $500 a month (which I may add is 10 times what we were receiving when Alex lived with us) that we weren't budgeting in. With an additional crap load of attorney fees and court costs, all of our money set aside for groceries and gas and diapers is gone plus some.

We are stuck in a lose - lose situation. Trust me, I am not trying to get any sympathy here, I am just completely frustrated that we work so hard every single day to provide a roof over our families head and food on the table and we are seriously in jeopardy of losing it all.
We simply "NOW" don't make enough money to pay our bills. The not-so funny thing is we don't have crazy outrageous bills, we have your normal everyday lights, gas, water, carpayment, insurance, daycare, garbage, and 1 credit card. We don't know what to do, if RJ gets another job, they will take MORE child support from us. So it looks like I seriously will have to get a second "full-time" job on the weekends or something. We can't sit around and wait for luck to strike, we have to change it ourselves.

My Dad took over payments on RJ's truck yesterday and they switched trucks. Now RJ is driving an old truck that we don't have to make payments on.

I am compiling a list of things to cut back on:

#1 switching trucks --- DONE
#2 going back to a plain cell phone(plan included)- no multimedia/smart phone/data package/family& friends feature... on and on.. just plain phones that will have texting but it will be limited.
#3 no eating out (we don't anyway, only on very rare occasions and we share meals!)
#4 continue to plan our meals for the week ahead of time (preparing ahead of time when possible)

So far I think I am doing good on my list.

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