Thursday, August 26, 2010


Everyday I get up and go through the normal routine of getting ready, going to work, taking care of our children, taking care of the house, and I never just stop and look around at what I have. This year so far has really shown me the love I have for my husband and the devotion and trust we have in eachother. Without him I don't think I could get through the day sometimes.
When I find myself wondering why all the crappy things happen to us I have to remember that it is all part of a bigger plan for us. When obstacles come into our lives they are just things to help remind us that we are strong and can overcome anything. I will admit sometimes I have my doubts and it can be so hard and discouraging.
The bigger plan is what I try to remember. I remember how long I was alone with no boyfriend in my life until I finally met RJ again, then I remember how long we tried to have a baby, and then we had 2 right away. Our paths seem to be a never ending waiting line sometimes, but then I think how lucky I am to have RJ right with me when I think we will never see the light.
Our life's tradgedies seem to bring us closer. So maybe it's not luck at all, maybe it's fate.........

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