Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To be or not to be friends on Facebook.....

This is a dilema that has been coming up lately. I hear a lot of friends and co-workers say "no way" to being friends with certain people. I guess it just comes down to how much of your personal life you want people to be privy to. You can always just limit what you post about yourself, or what you are thinking. Then I think what is the sense in that? Facebook, myspace, and twitter are all sources of branching out and putting your life out there for others to criticize. It's a way for others to "snoop" if you will and check in on people. I am one of the biggest snoops. I love to see what others are doing. Even this blog is open to anyone to look at and form their own opinion about me or what I do. So I say go ahead. Form an opinion about me based on my blogs and my facebook status'.
I will be doing the same to you !

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