Sunday, February 27, 2011

RJ's prognosis.....

Inside of RJ's truck after the accident

Finally able to cuddle with Daddy after the accident !

RJ got to see his truck after the accident before they hauled it away for good !

Gracie being supportive of Daddy with her own bandage on her knee!

The New House !! Of course we need to plant some grass seed in the front yard :)

Well so far I can say that RJ has been in a ton of pain. Everyday for the past 2 weeks he can barely stand for a long amount of time and he has crutches. It is killing him not to be able to play with the girls. He has made it through sitting in the gym watching Alex play in his AAU basketball tournaments, and then he suffers when we get home. He is on pain meds and anti-inflammatory pills. He hates being waited on hand and foot by me.

We were referred to the Orthopedic specialist last week and were sent to physical therapy for 2 weeks. It is really starting to help and RJ is able now to stand and walk very slowly with his crutches on his right leg. They are thinking that there is NO damage to the ligaments or tendens so far, but they also haven't done an MRI yet. One possibility is that he could have a "burst fracture" on the joint surface of the knee. This could require surgery but we just don't know yet. What we do know is that he is off work at least until Tuesday the 8th, and then we will know more. Short term disability is what he is on right now, but it's only 75% of his pay so he is having to use 2 hours of vacation each day to make up for the loss of pay. To start off with his company required that he use 56 hours of vacation before short term would even kick in, so he is almost out of vacation. It's a earn as you work basis for vacation. He has been off work since the accident on February 7th. His work won't let him come back until he is off pain meds and can get up and walk around for more than an hour. It's a lose lose situation right now.

On a positive note : WE MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!

We are now living at 903 Crawford still here in Boone. My cousin moved to Texas and we moved into her house. Our house is still currently on the market for $59,000 and we have had 3 potential buyers look at it in the last week and a half. We are trying to be very optimistic and keeping our fingers crossed.

The new house is all one level. The girls still share a room, we finally have a bedroom and Alex has his room that is also part of the laundry room! The washer and dryer are recessed into their own little nook so it's not actually part of his room. The house is pretty much brand new. My cousin gutted the entire inside and redid the floor plan then put in all new cabinets, appliances. We also now have a garage! We have never had one, or at least one we could park in! It was a process moving, especially since RJ couldn't help. Luckily we kind of had a heads up about it and a couple of weeks ago in January we actually moved more than half of our stuff to her garage to store. Turned out that is just what we needed. My mom and my sisters helped us get the rest of the stuff over in 2 days! Worked out great. The girls are loving it and it is easier to take care of RJ and them at the same time.

We will keep everyone updated on how RJ is doing. It has been very busy for me the past couple of weeks so I haven't been able to post anything until now. I will try to do better as RJ gets better!
Thanks for all the support and love everyone has shown since the accident! It's means so much to us!!

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